Persimmon Tarts

Happy Lunar New Year! Tết is always a huge to do in the Bui household. Growing up in suburban New Jersey, my family was pretty Americanized compared to other immigrant families but on Tết we pulled ALL the stops. A week or two leading up to the new year, we would scrub, dust and polish … Continue Reading

Green Tea and Mint Oreo Cheesecake

I’ve noticed I tend to gravitate towards “green” flavors, both sweet and savory – lime, wasabi, green apple, mint, avocado, pesto, matcha etc. With Christmas quickly approaching, a touch of green seems quite appropriate, especially in classic holiday desserts. Sneak in some mint and green tea flavor into this easy cheesecake recipe to surprise your friends … Continue Reading

Jasmine Tea Biscotti

Jasmine tea was my introduction to the beautiful world of tea. Its light floral and fragrant flavor makes it a great complement to any meal or dessert. However, I noticed that unlike other teas such as Earl Grey or matcha, jasmine tea is rarely a featured ingredient in other dishes. As such, I decided to … Continue Reading